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PSPWhile you can’t pick up a Sony PSP from EB Games just yet, apparently they already have some games in stock and ready for sale. That’s right, if you can’t wait until Thursday to get your hands on one of 2005’s hottest gadgets, head on over to your local EB Games store and pick up a game or two, close your eyes, and pretend you are playing that oh-so-coveted expensive gadget. Even better news is that EB Games is expecting to receive some PSPs as early as Monday to prepare for Thursday’s release day. Sony sure wants to make sure its highly anticipated portable releases with as little problems as possible. Be sure to get your desktop countdown wallpaper to see the seconds melt away until the PSP launch.

Read More | GadgetMadness

Gallery: PSP Games Now Available At EB Games


Description Still wondering what makes Nintendo’s next console so revolutionary? It seems the ace up Nintendo’s sleeve might be touchscreen controllers…I wonder how much one of these will cost to replace. The story is that the newest issue of Game Informer has a lengthy article on the all of the next gen consoles, including the one from the Big N. A touchscreen with no analog stick or shoulder buttons, fully customizable so the developer can configure the buttons any way they see fit. This could be great if developers decide that they want to create contrller configurations in addition to games. This does seem to make sense seeing as how the touch screen is currently being used in the DS. The thing is, though, that the technology hasn’t been used in this way before. This also might be an answer to Iwata’s statement that developers may be wary of the new technology on the Revolution.

Read More | Game Informer Article Scan

Gallery: Nintendo Revolution to Use Touchscreen Controllers?

Narc  You’ve seen blood and violence in games.  You’ve seen prostitution and theft.  Now, you can experience the drug effects of marijuana and crack, in Midway’s latest remake for the PS2 and Xbox: Narc.  A digital puff of marijuana will slow the action of the game, while taking Ecstasy gets the screen all glowy and trippy, as seen here.  Finally, using crack will give the player better accuracy while aiming.  Here’s the catch though.  If you use the drugs, you run the risk of getting addicted to them in the game.  The producers also say that you can finish the game without them as well, so player’s aren’t forced to try it out.  Just like real life, I suppose.

Read More | Cnet

Gallery: New Narc Game Lets You Try Out Drugs

In the latest issue of NOM Magazine, Yuji Naka, head of Sega developers - Sonic Team, sat down for an interview to deal out some goods about the next few games in development for Gamecube and DS.  Also, the article hints about a future Mario and Sonic game in the works:

Sonic Team head, Yuji Naka, revealed two new Sonic the Hedgehog games for Nintendo in an exclusive interview with NOM in London at the end of last year.

“We are in development with a new GameCube Sonic game, which we hope to release before the end of 2005,” Naka exclusively revealed to us. “Sonic Team is also currently making a Sonic game for the DS. We are taking our time to make sure the game makes good use of the DS’s many new features.” Double whammy!

We pressed for details and Naka revealed that the DS game will incorporate parts of the screen-rubbing Sonic tech-demo shown at E3 last year. Naka expects both titles to be playable at this year’s E3 and, as always, we’ll be there to see it all.

Pick up NOM UK next month for the full interview, where Yuji Naka reveals his secret conversations with Shigeru Miyamoto about getting Sonic and Mario to appear in a game together.

No, you are not dreaming.

Gallery: Sonic to visit Mario on Gamecube?

Sony PSP Giveaway

We received over 400 entries into our PrizeCube sponsored Sony PSP Value Pack Giveaway, which is the most we have had for any contest thus far! Unfortunately, only two people will actually be walking away with Sony PSP Value Packs from this contest. If your name is R. Franz or E. Barrett, you have already been in contact with me regarding your prizes. For all the rest of you, don’t fret - you didn’t really want one anyway, did you? Oh well, at least you can look at some images until launch.

Gallery: Sony PSP Value Pack Giveaway Winners

Sony PSP Open

In a week, Sony will officially drop the Playstation Portable on all y’all in the United States. You probably have yours preordered if you have been salivating over the device since last years E3. If you haven’t preordered, it is probably because you just aren’t feeling it. Nonetheless, you may be wondering what exactly comes with the launch PSP Value Pack. IGN has put together a nice, organized list of everything you get in the box - including descriptions of each item.

(Thanks Gohan!)

Read More | IGN

Gallery: Sony PSP: A Look Inside The Box

Description Rumors continue to circle about what we can expect for the next generation Xbox.  The latest culmination surrounds a new data technology never been used in video games before.  It is a data sharing technology that would help the development of the ‘backwards compatible’ gaming with system.  But that’s not the only thing they have in mind; the technology would also incorporate gaming like never before.

Several sources are pointing to using this data sharing technology to help games retain their replay value by taking, for example, sequels, and linking them together to create a new gaming experience.  An example of this would allow Halo 2 players to use their favorite Halo 1 weapons because they own the original.  On the other side of the coin, you would be able to ‘dual wield’ weapons in Halo 1 because you can in Halo 2.

The possibilities seem endless with what developers would be able to do as far as imagination and creativity. Let’s just hope that they use it to their advantage.  Maybe a world where Sam Fisher visits one of Rayman’s levels just because they’re both Ubisoft? Well maybe not that far fetched but you get the point.

Read More | Team Xbox

Gallery: Data Sharing for Xbox 2/360 - The Return of Cartridges?

NGage QD

Nokia’s little “Cellphone That Could” has had its share of trouble.  Not sure if a price drop to $99 is a sign of recovery or just a move to clear some stagnant warehouses.  Prices on software titles have also been slashed, while a third design is said to be revealed at this year’s E3.  So far, there are only 2.5 million owners of the device, and that’s including both of the previous iterations.  In comparison, Sony’s PSP is expected to sell 1 million in its first week alone.

Read More | Gama Sutra

Gallery: Nokia N-Gage Drops Price, Third Design Imminent

If you didn’t know already, Bushnell is widely considered to be the father of the videogame industry.  Cnet has an interview with him up, covering the highs and lows of his career, including how he started Atari.  Didn’t know he also founded Chuck E. Cheese restaurants, though…ya learn something new everyday.  Either way, I find that it’s always a wise thing to respect one’s elders, despite the outcome of their more recent ventures.

Read More | Cnet

Gallery: Interview With Nolan Bushnell

Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition

Totalvideogames.com has obtained a great deal of information and media on RockStar Games’ upcoming title, Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition. The title not only looks great, but also seems to live up to the hype. The game starts by placing you on the streets of San Diego to start your career of an illegal street racer and fulfill some other challenges. With the money you earn from street races, you are able to go back to your garage and either customize your ride or buy another one. With over 60 licensed cars and a deep customization interface, there is no doubt the online world will be filled with unique cars and competition starting April 15th.

Read More | TotalVideoGames

Gallery: New Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Screenshots/Videos
